
Based on the information I give about my situation, should I be home schooled or public schooled?

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Hi! I'm an 8th grader living in central California, and I'm trying to decide whether I should do independent study, or continue being public-schooled. I REALLY want to do ind. study. I don't have the option of having a parent teach me, hence the ind. study. Anyway, here is my situation.

I HATE school. The people are rude, the teachers move too slow, etc. In fact, today I went to the doctor about ongoing nausea, and it's anxiety because I don't want to go to school.

As for friends, I have made many at school already that I see often... I doubt it would be that heavily affected. I also go to church, and have several bestfriends there. I don't want to toot my own horn, just give you information so I'd like to say that I am quite smart. Teachers usually move too slow for me. Occasionally too fast, but just not usually at my pace.

Please don't JUST tell me that it will ruin my social life. I'm fine with those opinions, but please give me an honest answer first.




  1. Homeschooling seems like it would be best for you.

    I'm currently homeschooled, but my father is a single parent with a full time job. Although I've wanted to be homeschooled for as long as I can remember, neither of us thought that he could "teach" me for quite a long time, but he pulled me out of school anyway during my freshman year of high school and put me in a virtual school, Keystone National High School. It was a good school, but the curriculum did not really appeal to me, so I currently homeschool through North Atlantic Regional High School with many different curricula. If you "don't have the option of a parent teaching you", it's okay, some of us don't NEED teachers hovering over us all day! I find that I pick up things quickly on my own, and all my father needs to do is grade my tests and papers, and since NARHS takes care of my transcripts, he doesn't have to worry about that either. If, however, you find that you need a teacher for some subjects, you could always a tutor or get help from another homeschooling family in your area. Ask around your church or do a Google search (just make sure your tutor is legit and not ripping you off!).

    I wish you the best of luck.

  2.!!!! YOU WERE IN THE "EXACT" SITUATION I WAS IN!!! I go to church and have many friends there...I got nausea because of anxiety of going to school...the kids were rude and a bad example even if my school is supposed to be the best in the state...I had a lot of friends at my school, but it didn't affect me when I left to home school. Since you go to church, I can talk to you about how God has become closer to me through home schooling. Well first of all you can pray at any time of the day you want and not have teachers wondering what you are doing haha. You can also get Christian curriculums in home schooling that teach you biblical studies and relate to the subject that you are learning.

    So you seem really smart (hint the quite smart part lol). You would be fine in independent studies! You can learn at whatever speed you want, too. That's the really good part.

    You can also focus on all of the extra-curricular activities that you might be involved in, too, rather than school filling up most of your time with homework 5 days a week. Since I started home schooling, I take one piano lesson a week, two viola lessons a week, one volleyball practice a week, and one game a week. I am also about to consider swimming everyday from Monday-Friday.

    The best part about homeschooling is that if you go to church, you can see your friends there every week (and any other days if you go on say Mondays or Wednesdays). If you go to church and you have friends at your public school, it will DEFINITELY NOT affect your social life!! I talk to my friends over computer and phone whenever I don't see them.

    Ever since I started home schooling, my stomach has not hurt once. If you don't feel well in home schooling though, you can take things to help you whenever you want without going to the nurse and calling your parents and having to ask them if it's okay to take this, then having then come and bring it.

    You have probably already heard this, but home schooling is a GREAT practice in responsibility. It's your job to do your schoolwork and not the teacher's (because of course you have none). It teaches you diligence and makes you focus which is much needed in the future.

    You can eat whenever you want, too. Like my school would force me to eat at 11 when I used to eat at 12:30! I did not get used to that change well. This is really getting detailed, but it's easier to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Haha random fact. I know.

    You behavior becomes so much better! You become more graceful, forgiving, loving, etc. People can probably notice a difference once you start home schooling.

    That's probably all there is to tell you about home schooling...I love it so much. Just to tell you this perspective is coming from a 6th grader (who was in middle school for a semester), but it mature for her age.

    I hope I could give you all the information you about how much you would enjoy home schooling! (I just hope it wasn't too much information for you) Good luck!!

  3. That's exactly how I was. My junior & senior year I graduated with Allied National Online Home school, I turned my work in by email and my teachers graded my work and i had daily  assignments to do everyday as i signed into the website, i really liked it. I went to public schoool my freshman & sophomore year and it was literally a living h**l! If your self-motivated try Allied National Online Home school, I bet you'd really like it. I know i did. The teachers were super cool too, and extremely nice, the teachers there are teachers that really want to help you. Google allied, and look into it.

    Feel free to email me if you wanna know anything esle

  4. From what you've written it seems as though home schooling would be you best choice. Extracurricular social life is highly overrated. School went too slow for me also. I hated it.

  5. I would agree with the first writer. However, if you're not self-motivated then don't try independant study. You'll fall way behind and then need a tutor to help you catch up.

    There are also groups for home schooled children that help you to stay on top of things and they take day trips together to very interesting places.

    I wish you well in your decision making.

  6. You sure sound like a good candidate for homeschool to me.  Public school just doesn't work well for square pegs.  

    There are so many opportunities available through homeschooling, much more than when you spend so much time in a classroom.  And there is no need for you to suffer through so much anxiety when there are alternatives.

    I highly recommend you read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  

    Good luck :D

  7. It sounds like you already have your mind made up. You know what you want, you know why it would benefit you... Why do you need a bunch of strangers telling you to go for it (or not, as the case may be)?

  8. I live in Central California myself and homeschool my Daughter. I understand what the schools are like here. Worse in some towns than others. Expecially the Stockton area.

    I say go for the independent study. I think you also need some down time to recoop from this anxiety you have. I am sure you will find it clearing up as soon as you stop going to the public school.

    I wish you luck and go for the independent study so you can be home. Don't let anyone tell you about socialization and all that junk. It just is all myths.

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