
Based on this forecast, should i pack shorts, longsleeves, pants, or what?

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I'm going on vacation to tacoma washington tomorrow and i looked at this forecast

i'm from southern california so i dont know if that forecast means i'm gonna be in shorts or jeans or jackets or t-shirts..based on that forecast, do you think i'll need to bring warm clothes?




  1. I believe the weather in Tacoma is very much simialr to So Cal.

    So, I would pack exactly like what you would wear at home.

    Maybe a light jacket for the cooler nights.

    Happy Traveling !!

  2. nah,not warm clothes 60's and 70's is perfect weather Id say shorts and and t-shirts- nights may seem to get cold becasue you aer further up north so you may keep that in mind when you pack for sleeping. I wouldnt pack anything but shorts and shirts a some sandles and tennis shoes, maybe even a hat to shade your face, its at night that you need to worry about is when it starts to get chilly. have a good trip

  3. i wouls bring a light jacket, pants, shorts, and maybe one long sleeve. Just to be safe =)

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