
Based on this is Obama a marxist?

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a Marxist is someone who adheres to the political philosophy and practice that was developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. With Obama's constant refrain of "the richest Americans" not paying their fair share, and his purported support for the "working class", coupled with his quote we shared here a few days ago from the WSJ: "Globalization and technology and automation all weaken the position of workers," he said, and a strong government handMarxism is a theoretical-practical framework based on the analysis of "the conflicts between the powerful and the needed to assure that wealth is distributed more equitably"




  1. u can bet your cute butt he is

  2. Hes not a Marxist, he's trying to win votes, just like McCAN.  However, I do have serious doubts about what those things are on your chest.

  3. My goodness don't you people have any intellectual or moral integrity ???

    Any educated,knowledgable person knows that the most profound problem facing the US today is the horrendously obscene shift of massive amounts of wealth from the poor/working/middle class to the "rich class".

    It is this very huge gap in class wealth that has led to revolutions including the US revolution.

    This wealth gap in the US has become so serios that even reputable conservatives like those at the Economist are raising alarms.

    YOU however need to tar Obama as a friggin Marxist/Communist all because he is giving voice to this REAL profound growing problem.

    The saddest and most pathetic fact in all this is most ordinary working conservatives/Republicans keep voting Republican who historical  have seldom had the economic plight of ordinary people as a priority but ALWAYS have that of the rich class both individuals and corporations ,continue to insanely vote AGAINST their economic interests by voting Republican.

    People like you are simply dangerous as you slander and demonize others without any moral sense .

    For all others,no, Obama IS NOT A MAXIST ,only a guy who demands to see a more EQUITABLE SHARING OF THE COUNTRY'S WEALTH .

  4. you don't have to be a marxist to distribute wealth more equitably. You might have a concience instead.

    Yet, I guess Obama is more left to Mccain yet still mainstream, no revolutionary.

  5. No. Progressive taxation and support of decent wages for workers is a far cry from the "dictatorship of the proletariat" promoted by Marx and Engels.  More BS from the the right.  

  6. Therein lies the conflict between liberals and conservatives. There's really nothing more to say outside of the voting booth.

    McCain 08.

  7. He's a marxist, among other things, based on anything.

  8. Yes, Obama is a National Socialist, otherwise known as a Marxist.  Read "The Rise of the 4th Reich" by Jim Marrs, available at Amazon.  

    Obama fits the profile well. He's a pawn for the global new world order.

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