
Based on your personality, what would be your 'spirit' animal?

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I call dibs on 'beaver'....




  1. A Swan.  I'm graceful, and I love the water.  I'm generally calm, but if you irritate me, Like a swan, I will run at you and break your femur.  I also used to have pet swans.

  2. A snow Leopard, I like being up in the mountains and hills in extreme conditions in a group or alone.

  3. From Sweeney's site above, otter.

  4. I'd be an ant.  I'm very social, and love to be in a group setting.  I'll line up for food, and am freakishly strong.

  5. Goat.

  6. Armadillo, S**t don't get to me,,,,,,,,much.

    Or maybe a Tazmanian Tiger, kinda weird and pretty much extinct ?

  7. Even though I hate them, I'd be a cat.  They're fussy, they don't listen, and when you try to command them to do things, they look at you like you're stupid.  Yep, sounds like me.

  8. Based on my personality, I would be considered an elephant. Slow, strong, intelligent, and extremely loyal.

  9. Wolf.  

  10. The Crow.  

  11. Three Toed Sloth lol

  12. That's what I got.

  13. I'm a slinky black cat.  I'm curious yet lazy.

  14. Rabbit.

  15. The butterfly.

    "Lessons of life will be shown during sometimes difficult formative years and come to light as the butterfly spirit begins to fly." very true.

    *poor organizational skills

    *freedom and creativity

    *doesn't take life so seriously

    *especially sensitive to  disharmony

    But I am not clairvoyant. lol

  16. I did that "Daemon Test" that went around via e-mail when the movie "The Golden Compass" came out (yes, crass Hollywood marketing).

    No matter how many times and ways I did the dopey test, or how much input my friends added to my "daemon," I always ended up being some sort of predatory cat.

  17. Wolf; I always got along really good with wolf hybrids. Kids in school always called me that.

  18. LOL!  According to the quiz I am a frikkin' badger. The description is pretty unflattering and it ends "But you're not as bad as people think you are"!  d**n I am one h**l of a depressed badger now!!

  19. Apparently I'm an armadillo.

  20. The crow!!!

  21. Dear lady, the Paraclete that guides me takes the form of a dove.

    Need I add that pop kulchur paganism is for half-wits?

  22. Dragon, yes I know dragons are extinct however at one time they did exist.

  23. A snake

  24. Was once told my personality resembled a Jaguar for some reason.

    Which is true to an extent, considering my solitary nature. But that could also point towards any number of different creatures.

  25. The guy I'm seeing said I'm like a wolf, although I think I'm more like a bird of prey. (He's a panther, in my opinion.)

  26. I always thought of myself as a cow, a cat or an eagle, but a friend told me my totem was an anteater.  So I don't ask anymore.

    ETA:  the quizilla test identified me as a puma, which I rather like.  It's a big cat.

  27. Wolf

  28. a kinkajou

    I have really big eyes! lol.

    But according to Sweeney's quiz, a Puma

  29. The test said I am either a wolf or an owl whatever that means.  

  30. I did the Daemon test a couple of times too and came out as a crow and a fox, crows apparently being modest, solitary, fickle, flexible and spontaneous and foxes being the first three plus shy and humble. According to the above test I'm a grumpy, hard working and cynical badger but I'm not as bad as I seem.

  31. A cat. I will only approach you if I like you and if I really do I purr! Or if I don't like to I don't listen to you or obey you at all. I am seriously like that! Annoy me too much and I will attack you!The list goes on!

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