
Based upon the following website; will Palin withdraw from the McCain ticket?

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  1. lmao...i hope she is dropped

    obama 08

  2. Thats the problem, you're claiming CNN is news

    Blue Collar for McCain/Palin

  3. well i was wondering this before i read your question and the article. but the article points to no evidence that this is really a chance or an option. overall i think the chances are slim.

  4. I am an Obama mama, but I truly hope that this isnt true

    This is a race, and just because of unexpected circumstances, I dont think she should be pulled from the ticket

    The bottom line is switching @ this point in the game would cause quite a bit of chaos, & I think it would put an unfair twist on the race. I want to see a good fight to the finish line, and I dont think they should let the series of scandals shes been dealing with defeat them (the repub) This is part of the job, taking the bull by the horns even when it gets tough, or if your good name has been embarrassed If they effectively pulled through the shame it could say a lot for them as a party & a running team

  5. Obama mama's are oozing fear! they know they have lost already!

    Gain a president with McCain!!!

  6. It would be hard for her to stand by her proclaimed pro-family values if she takes a job like this after giving birth a few months ago to a baby with Down Syndrome and having a pregnant teen daughter who is now supposed to go get married to another teenager.

    If she's truly conservative, you'd wonder why she would commit herself to one of the most influential jobs in the world when her family is in this position.


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