
Basic Six Flight Instruments?

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Does anyone know where the basic six or six pack flight instruments came from? who developed them and whatever else. links would be great!!!




  1. Now with six I don't consider that Basic.

    When I started flying Basic was Needle/Ball and Airspeed.

    Of course throwing in a clock, altimeter and compass is nice too.

  2. They're all integrated into the PFD in a full glass display.

  3. I doubt they all came at the same time.. The first aviators only flew in VFR and didn't have much of a need for all the flight instruments or even any at all.. But as the industry progressed, they started using a couple instruments which led to the basic six pack, which allowed the pilots to fly safely in IMC..

  4. lol im not doing ur homework!!!hehehe

  5. All six of them were common on aircraft panels long before they came to be arranged in the six-pack format.  That idea came from research on instrument flight done by NASA in the early 1950s, and was first adopted by the military.

    At the airport I fly from, there are two Cessna 150s parked side by side.  One is a 1965 model, and has the instruments spread out in an irregular fashion.  The other is a 1966 model, and has the six-pack.  All the manufacturers switched about that time.

    The airspeed and altimeter are the oldest, and go back to the World War 1 period, though, of course, they became more accurate as aviation matured in the 1920s and 1930s.

    The vertical speed became available in the 1930s.  The turn-and-bank, or turn-and-slip ("needle-ball") dates back to the 1930s.  At that time, people began to fly on instruments using needle-ball and airspeed.  When you work on your instrument flying, you will learn to do "gyros-out" flying by needle-ball and airspeed only.  It's fun for a while, but it would be wearing to make a long flight that way.

    The gyro instruments were developed by the Sperry Company in the 1930s.  There is a lot of information available about that.

    That's pretty sketchy. but it's a pretty large subject.  Try an internet search on "flight instruments" or "aviation history."

    Good luck!

  6. Elmer Sperry perfected the artificial horizon(attitude indicator ) and directional gyro(HEADING INDICATOR).

    Inventor Paul Kollsman  particular claim to fame was his invention of the first and ultimately most successful barometric altimeter.

    Without spending alot of time researching the rest, thats all the info I know.about who invented them ,hopefully others can help.

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