
Basic figure skating flexibility?

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i want to try basic figure skating and im not so i need to be flexible??? if yes, wat should i do?? pls help me




  1. Flexibilty is not an essantial for a skater. It could come in handy when doing lay backs, attitudes, and some other tricks- but you can be very un-flexible when doing those. All that will do is just make them look little less poised.

    I am fairly flexible and it is easier to do those spins and tricks but it really is not needed. Ways to work on that would be gymnastics, streching, or doing your tricks on floor. What you must have is balance, poise, and perserverence- keep that in mind. Never give up your dreams. Hope I helped!


  2. I am a skater and I am not flexible it jumst comes it helps to stretch and yes you do have to flex your body but it's not like you have to do the splits on ice. In shows you can do things that you need to b e flexible for but don't worry you'll be fine - good luck!

  3. I'm not that flexible yet but at the stage I'm at I don't worry about it too much. I may do Pilates later to help with core strength and flexibility but right now I just want to learn basic moves.

  4. You don't NEED to be flexible. Flexibility helps for skating but you don't need to be. For some moves like spirals, it looks better to have flexibility. To practice just stretch and push yourself. Good luck!!!

  5. Since you're only doing basic figure skating, you don't need to worry about anything.  Now, don't get me wrong, stretching DEFINITLY helps, but it's not necessary.  I would say that you should go for lessons and to have fun with it! :)

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