
Basic tennis pointers?

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I want to start learning tennis. I'm joining a beginners class at a local YMCA soon. But what are some basic tennis pointers to get me on my feet before I start my class?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Buy a pair of tennis specific shoes!  NOT running shoes!

    Do not DEATH GRIP the racquet for ground strokes!  Once you learn the correct ground strke grips, hold the racquet like a live bird.  Loose enough that you don't kill the bird and tight enough so the bird does not fly away!

    When the instructor feeds you a ball, watch the ball and say to yourself...."Bounce when the ball bounces and HIT when you make or attempt to make contact".  This will help you with tracking the ball and help establish your timing.

    REALAX the grip like I stated will see that if you forget, your forearm will be sore the next day!

    Enjoy the sport of a lifetime!  

  2. First off way to go picking up tennis as a sport its fun, and a great way to stay in shape....I would recommend jump roping to help with your footwork... Go find a wall about 12 feet high and practice hitting the ball about 3 and a half feet high up onto the wall this will help you get better at returning a volley or serve in no time.( A wall is the only tennis player who you cant beat) Play tennis against people who are better than you that will help you understand the game better......finally have fun if you are not having fun when learning the game of tennis you will lose interest and it will no longer be somthing you want to get better have fun.

  3. Know your basic grips(continental, eastern, etc.), and know the basic swingpath for groundstrokes(upwards, not downwards) Be proactive with your footwork(just take the extra step.) Maybe most important for beginners, watch the ball and nothing else. Some really good habits would be to use your shoulders and to focus on a good unit turn(don't arm the ball). Remember to have a good state of mind and don't be upset at some misses or shanks. Ask questions if you don't understand something. Again, grips and swingpath are very important, since they are the basic foundations of your strokes. Heres a good source to help you locate and understand the different grips.

  4. Hello, tennis is a cardio be ready to do a lot of running. Also, make sure to get comfortable with you racquet...its very important to learn how to be flexible with it cause it will help you in the start off, learn how to first hit the ball over the net...Once you perfect that, you can work your way up and learn new types of shots...

    hope this helps!
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