
Basically i have been calculating my period duration...

by  |  earlier

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My last period was on the 17th of july and they normally last around 38 days but the month before that it only lasted 28 days. around what days could i be ovulating does anyone know? Thanks




  1. 38 days.. jeez.

  2. If you have irregular periods all you can do is chart your BBT and CM and BD often! Every other day or every 3 days will guarantee that there are live sperm waiting when you ovulate. Good luck to yoU!

    Try for charting. It's free and super easy!

  3. Please clarify.  Was your "period" 38 days long (did you bleed for 38 days?)  Or.. was your menstrual cycle 38 days long, meaning the time between 2 periods?   Please let us know, so that we can understand. Thanks.

  4. Your period lasts 38 days???

  5. Thats gonna be tricky since your period is not regular.  You ovulate 14 days before your period.

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