
Basics of ballet?

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ok so im 14 and gonna start ballet, jazz, and modern. i know this sounds like a lot for a beginner...but i have taken acrobatics for 6 years and tap for 3 years when i was younger,....therefore i am flexible and know that i need to work hard.

i know the 5 basic positions..

and im working on pirouettes,

spot turns,

step hop step ball change,

holding my leg(whatever its called),

splits (left right and center)


what else is there that i should know if i want to keep up in ballet?




  1. There are so many things you need to know for ballet. But for starting out, you've gotten most of the basic things. Great Start! Leaps are another thing you culd start to practice: in modern- stag jumps, (& "buffalo jumps", don't know the correct word, where both legs are bent in attitude),in jazz, pirouettes where the leg is turned in, and core strength- holding up your body. But remember, though they are similar, gymnastics and tumbling are DIFFERENT from ballet, jazz, etc. You're going to have to work hard to train your body to work for ballet and dance. Everything you do is articulate, and precise. But anyways, I'm sure you'll be fine! Good luck, and have fun!!!

  2. Honestly like thee most important thing to have would be good body control and knowing all the arm positions as well as the feet positions. Also having flexible feet helps when pointing your toes and you have to have a lot of body strength ballet really is hard. Trust me I would know

  3. you need LOTS of muscle in your legs for ballet.. also good strong feet so in your more advanced years you could possibly go on pointe.

  4. chenaie turns,

    and grand jetes.

    chenaies are probably what you

    called 'spot turns', and grand jetes

    are split leaps.

    sometimes i watch anaheim ballet

    videos on youtube, they're really helpful!

    and look up classicalballet on youtube.


  5. well something you'll Definitley nned to work on is controlling your body. Ballet is very disciplined and if you are very flexible it is very hard to tell how to hold your body and where. So a lot of position work really. you'll also need to learn to be more..gracious.. not being offensive! i just know tht very gymnastic people..they can do great stuff but when it comes to ballet they are waaaayyy to vigourous. Im sure ur fine tho.. well i wouldnt worry too much about these things because you'll learn how to do it properly when your there.

  6. go to abt ballet dictionary .com it's a wonderful site it helped me alot

  7. you should probably try a chenee which is a traveling open to the front close to th back turn.Maybe some grandjete's which s a big leap.Randejomes which is when you point your foot like a tondue and then bring it around. By the way holding ur leg is often called a develleope leg hold or just leg dont mind the spelling
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