
Basketball Question~Which way do I go? Help me please! I am kinda new at this!?

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In Basketball, which way do i go off a jump ball?

When my team gets the jump ball, and i get it, which way do i go? The way my team is facing, or the other way? I just started basket ball, and I don't know what to do!

3 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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17 seconds ago

ok here is how it goes:


Facing ------> <---------facing

Which way do i run to score?




  1. ..

    The way your teammate is facing.

    If you&#039;re really unsure,just pass it to your teammate.

    Just don&#039;t do this.

  2. ------&gt; he is trying to hit the ball towards you guys. it would never make sense to go back. Oh, and here is some other advice that you should really take into consideration. The court where you and your team are warming up in, is the court your team is going to try to score in for the first half. Also, good luck in basketball because many players dont get the privaledge to be in the jump ball, it means your a starter. Good luck with basketball!!

  3. When in doubt always go forward.

  4. You go to the right.

    THe person whose in the middle on your team thats jumping, she will tap the ball backwards.  And you dribble forward.  Always dribble ahead of where the person in the middle is standing.

  5. that way

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