
Basketball jump shot help, trying out for JV need immediate help

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Hi i am 15 years old and am trying out for the JV team next year in my high school Clarkstown North. Anyway i have been doing some camps to prep myself for the tryouts and yes i do practice what they teach me at these camps outside of camp because i know its the only way to get better. I do have one problem though, that a couple of my friends on the court have been pointing out. On my jump shot they said i start too low, (a little above the chin), and they said hold it directly above the forehead. Now when i release the ball does go over my forehead but sometimes my shot gets inconsistent. So i am doing a lot of form shooting to correct this mistake. Also, another question, what fingers should the ball be released off? becuz i am confused on this aspect a little bit. And how far apart should the feet be spread apart i know its shoulder length, but on the move in the game sometimes i tend to lose that rule and sometimes shoot with the feet closer or a little too spread apart. Please help if you understand what i mean. Many thanks.




  1. I don't claim to be an expert on jump shooting...What I can tell you is to watch some film of Reggie Miller shooting...than compare him to Iverson...than you'll see what it is to be more consistent...Miller's jumper was one of the purest ever and you'll get good milage out of emulating him.

  2. Well....

    You need to hold the ball above the forehead so you do not get blocked and you get good trajectory.

    If you are right handed you hold the ball with your right hand and support it with your left. Vise Versa if you are left handed. Look at the link below to see what i mean. You shoot with a flick of the wrist from all the fingers of your shooting hand. The other hand supports the ball.

    Shoulder length is right. you should always set your feet when you are doing a jumpshot and you just need to get in the habit of going to shoulder lenght.

    Pretty much just keep practicing, and follow my tips and you'll be fine. Good luck with your tryouts.

  3. If the shot is going in, don't worry about it. If you're shot is good, then shoot the way you shoot.

    I've seen it all too much: a kid gets criticized because his jumpshot is unorthodox, resulting in coaches trying to get him to change it. The results are horrific; the kid either stops playing, stop shooting, or becomes so uncomfortable he reverts to his old ways.

    If your shot isn't getting blocked, then you're fine. But if it's getting blocked everytime you shoot, you need to change. If you can't create your own shot, you need to change. But if you can do these, then you're fine.

    As for the fingers...don't push with your palm. Lots of people let their palm push the ball. It's more of a flick of the wrist, and the tips of your middle, index, and ring finger should feel the ball leaving your hand.

    My shot is like this and it feels amazing. You can literally feel it leaving...and hearing it stroke the net? Man, I live for that feeling/sound.

    Shoot 1,000 times a day, too.  

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