
Basketball players, does this happen to you?

by  |  earlier

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ok, has this ever happened to you, where you are playing great, then stop for a few months, and then start again, and like you skills have went down in greatness.

Cause, i was at a point in Jan. where i could make like any 3 i wanted, and i stop for a few months, cause the season was over, now i can't even make 2 in a row.

Whats up with that




  1. Ya it happened to me when i broke my arm (in Basketball) but then i practiced a lot and it came back to me.

  2. Nope...because I don't take breaks that long...

    If you want to be good keep practicing.

  3. u just start losing ur skill after not doing anything(its just the way it is) its like lifting weights u cant just be lifting 100lb do nothing for months and expect to be able to do it again

    luckily for u ..........u can practice again and start making just how u used to ................good luck ............and have fun beating ppl with ur skills.............. : )

  4. Well duh...

    I've never taken "a few months" off but I'd imagine if you just stopped playing your skills would diminish.

  5. Well keep practicing then you'll get it back. Of course it happens when you take a long break, happened to me. But you'll find your skills back when you practice again. Shouldn't take more than a week to get it back.

  6. that has also happened to me but in karate i haven't done karate for awhile now i barely dont even know any kicks. just start to play basketball again just practice twos than try the 3's. you should try that

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