
Basketball players, how do you get your "respect"?

by  |  earlier

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how do you get other players to respect you? I'm a good player but because I'm not outgoing and not selfish, I'm not the type to demand the ball. And some other players who are not even that good but they're really confident will always demand the ball and not give it up. How do you earn respect? For those who play ball, I think you know what I mean.




  1. jst let your game do ur talking.

    thts wht i do. dont demand the ball and ALWAYS find the cutter.

    tht works for me and gets me major props lol

  2. dont talk. let your play do the talking. if you get the ball and your confident shoot or have some fun 1 on 1 cross over juke whatever.

  3. Respect this a good question especially for those that play pick up ball. Starting out you have to keep in mind if you play the right way you will not get everyone's respect simply because so many 'ballers' don't have a clue what the right way to play is. So you might shut your man down every game, make the extra pass for the easy shot. Do all the little things that bring a team together, but if the ones you are playing with don't know the game they will miss it. Sad but true.

    Bottom line is though, who the h**l wants their respect, if they don't respect the game why would they respect someone playing it right. You play your game and make sure that they respect you as a man first, and then as the wins stack up and the ones that DO respect the game start to take notice all the rest of that will fall into place.

  4. if you want respect , just do your thing and try to beat them demandingly, like a sweep

    throw in some trash talking to get some fear into them, but this all means nothing if theyre beating you

  5. I started high school last year, so i had to earn all my on-court respect again. i did,  it was hard, but what you do is ALWAYS ask for the ball. At least until your good enough or respected enough to know when you shouldnt ask. but when your new, i reccommend you ALWAYS ask for the ball, even if you suck and they dont give it to you. People respect players with enough confidence to take a team on his shoulders. When your team is down, start making more shots while other people on your team are cold. That will let people know that you are confident and a true team leader. And, learn sick ball-handles. People respect players that have great handles, and will start passing you the ball more, even if you dont make all the shots. Also, if your team loses, always act like your pissed off and dont want to talk to anyone, just shake their hands, (if they offer) and leave. That will let people know that you are an angry young man, who will harder next game becuase your so pissed.o people will pass you the ball more the next game. And most of all, never ever ever never lose your confidence. If your team is down by 20 points with like 2 minutes left in the game, play your heart out and show people that you are not a ***** who loses without a fight. even when all your teammates are playing easy, you play like like your life depends on it, and then you will surely get respect from your players, the crowd, and even the other team. You do all these things, and you will get the respect you want.

                                                                  Good luck and practice...

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