
Basketball players in USA going overseas to play ball: what's your take/opinion on this?

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  1. it doesnt matter, its good for them.  the good players arent the ones going anyway, the players who want to win and play in the big stage will stay in the nba, unless they are offered a ridiculous amount of money.  i bet childress, will eventually come back to the nba, some nba players go to get more playing time and experience so they can hopefully become a better player later on.

  2. I think the US over-estimated their own ability at Greece because the other world's team are equally as proficient in the game as them. Just because the other players aren't as strong and fast doesn't mean they don't stand a chance against you.

  3. Our basketball players are the best in the world.  Lately we haven't proven ourselves and have lost by some huge margins (40 to Puerto Rico).  But with Coach K and Kobe healthy along with Lebron and Chris Paul we will dominate the world with our dominance and unselfish play.

  4. Well im sure they do it for reasons we may never know,, its there life if they feel comfortable playing opver there than cool,, doesnt effect anyone else,, I wouldnt jusge anyone that does so because you dont knw whats going on in there life ya know

  5. NBA better step up and pay its players cuz when im watching the NBA I WANNA BE WATCHING THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD

  6. well not every1 can make it 2 da nba nor can the nba play all those players big time salaries so its expected.... plus europe n shine is catching up to the USA when it comes to talent look @ the nba a lot of the good players n stars of teams are foreign...... just watch the olympics n you will c... then you will b like oh i forgot so and so wasnt an American

  7. My take is that we could...possibly...see the start of a decline in star power in the NBA. Basketball is rising in popularity in Europe, with the success of Spain in the FIBA world championship, and how much European countries dominated the Olympic wildcard tournament. Let's also not forget just how much more the Euro is worth than the dollar. A Euro $25,000,000 contract is worth $40,000,000 in US dollars. With rising popularity comes increasing ability to pay recruits more and more $.

    Josh Childress and the highly scouted high schooler Brandon Jennings might be a catalyst for American stars to go to Europe, and for European talent to stay at home. It would be unfortunate, but of course, money talks in pro sports.

    Plus, where would you want to live given the choice, Detroit or Barcelona? Philadelphia or Milan?

  8. I have zero problem with this.  What, are players supposed to give NBA teams a discount just because it's in the US?  If Josh Childress can make more money playing in Greece, why should he stay in the NBA?

  9. It's good to see the players want to represent their country, BUT it is a very risky business. All players want the Gold medal, so they play hard, and risk injury and winning games to their NBA team (or whatever it may be)

    They ARE UNDER CONTRACT, so they owe it to their teams to think twice. However, it's good for the country, therefore, a sticky situation.

    They have the money, so not much risk for them, THEY WILL get paid. but!!

    notice not many/to none free agents play, as they are currently NOT getting paid by a team (in most cases) and could risk their fortune as a player.

  10. This is just a change of the times. Basketball is the second biggest sport in the world, played by millions.

    This will affect the NBA, Europeans just like soccer do not have salary caps and as the sport gains popularity salaries will go up.

    In the long run this will actually make the sport more exiting. Here is my prediction: in the future, the NBA will only be one of the top leagues, NBA will be come like soccer (global), Europeans leagues will play against each other and the NBA. Kind of like the champions league, were the NBA champion will go against the italian champion, greece champion. This will change the game, possible more tactics

  11. I don't forsee the big jump in American players going to Europe, at least not the really good players. Childress is a decent player, but still not even a starter on his team. Yet, he will get paid $20 million and probably be the 1st or 2nd best player on his team in Europe. I can see some of the mid-level NBA players going to Europe, especially if the economic situation stays stagnant. But, the NBA is well established as the premier league and will pay its top stars more than anyone else. Let the Euroleagues overpay the decent players.

    As far as a kid like Brandon Jennings goes, he is in Europe because he couldn't cut it academically and I think he will have trouble. 18 year old kids have enough trouble going away to college and he'll be all the way in Europe. I don't see that being too alluring for kids. Plus, I think Jennings overrates his talent and underestimates European talent. He won't be as big a star as he thinks

  12. If your talking about Josh Childress and the few other people that are going. I think I heard Ricky Davis is going too. I'm very disapointed. This may ruin the NBA. The NBA is known as where the best players in the world come to play. Now America has a dying economy players can get more money if they go to Greece or Italy. I hate it!

    What I foresee David Stern doing to keep his role players in the NBA is raising the salary cap. Owners and GMs would have no problem spending more money on players if they raised the salary cap so the owners don't have to pay as much luxery tax.

    Anyway I hate these players leaving the NBA for other countries. Its gonna ruin the NBA.

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