
Basketball questions

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if im 5'7 now mom 5'5 dad 6'0 how tall will i be

what do baskeball players eat

im going to the tenth grade and never been on basketball team is it possible for me to get on the team

500 mid range jumpshot 400 long range and 1000 layups 1 hr handles and playing at the park everyday and if i do drills will that make me better quick

and other info you can give me




  1. it seems that you're not following the height of your parents.  you may end up around 6'5, ^.

    basketball players eat the good stuff.  they eat a regular serving of fruits, whole grains, and many many carbs.  you'll get too skinny if you eat under 2,000

    shooting all those shots will not be anything beneficial, because your heart rate will not rise.

    check up on this answer soon, i'll edit it with a better solution to shooting.

    also when i come back i'll give you drills

    good luck, dude!

    shoot like that.

    then drills.

    practice the following:

    ballhandling (scissor, drops, around the world)

    post work (back ins, pivoting, mikan drill, hook shots)

    shooting (above rip video)

    you should practice passing to a wall or person while moving, because no one practices passing, and you therefore are already ahead of your game

    3's (just shoot 15, 3 from each 5 spots)

    foul shots (VERY IMPORTANT [make 20])

    overall game: pickups, 1 on 1.  if you dont play with people, i guarentee you won't get better

    good luck again,


  2. sometimes your just born with the talent sometimes you are not but you always have to work hard to get what you want so keep doing that until november comes or whenever your season starts just remember dont ever give up if you dont make the team keep working hard...............make basketball your life if your that serious like me good luck bro  

  3. just stay out of drugs

  4. If you do that everyday, you will get better.

  5. I think so.....


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