
Bass troubles need help?

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I am assembling my own tower speakers, and I have tested the speakers I am planning to use and I have noticed that there isnt much bass coming from them, I was wondering if there will be more bass once i put them in a box, and if so, are the any special methods I will need to accomplish this. Also if there is a way of simply amplifying the bass, how would I do this. I am downright confused, otherwise I will need to buy a subwoofer and i am trying to avoid doing so. Thanks a Ton




  1. Yes you will hear more bass after the woofers are installed in the enclosure.  Speakers - especially woofers, played without an enclosure always sound bad.  If you have matched the speakers correctly, and have a good crossover there should be good balance.   Since you are assembling them yourself, make very sure you observe speaker polarity, as that will affect bass response.  Out of phase woofers will make it sound like you have no bass at all.

    Will you  need a subwoofer?   How large are the woofers you are installing?  If they aren't at least 12 inches, you are probably going to need a subwoofer as smaller woofers just don't have the proper bass response for really low, and powerful bass.

    As for amplifying bass, if regular tone controls aren't good enough then you will have to buy an equalizer.

  2. sounds  like  you  went into  this with  your  eyes  closed.  you  really  need  to  know  a lot  about  sound and  electronics to  put  a(decent) speaker system  together.

    i swear the  arrogance  of  some  people  to  think  they  can  just buy  some  speakers,  and  slap them into  a box defies  imagination.  people  study sound engineering for  years to learn this  stuff.

    if you  know  just  a little  bit  about  speakers  and  the  difference  between series  and parallel wiring  you  will  likely  be  tempted  to  do  something  that  will  not  only  destroy  your  speakers  but  fry your  amp  as well.  

    Think  how  much  you  will  have  to  spend  to  replace  it  all  and  work  that  into  a budget  for  a proper set  of manufactured  speakers.

  3. If you want to build your own speakers, pick up a copy of 'the Loudspealer Design Cookbook' y Vance Dickason.

    You will get MUCH better bass in a box. Bass wavelengths are so long that the woofer will cancel itself - the front creates positive preassure when it moves forward, while the back creates a vacuum. The high preasure and the vacuum cancel each other, so you get no bass.

    A box separates these pressure fronts, and is 100% necessary for bass.

    If you need parts, try - they also sell the book I mentioned.

    Loudspeaker building is a very complex topic, and really, you need a book. There's too many specifics to go into detail in this format. The LDC is a great read; I have a dog-eared ten-year old copy that I still refer to today.

    As to amplifying the bass, that can be done with a properly sized  & tuned box. There's a lot of math and equations involved. I hate to keep saying it, but you need to get a good book on the subject.

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