
Basset Hound puppy became fearful overnight?

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I have a 6 month old Basset puppy. I've had him since he was 3 months old and have never had any problems with him with other people. I bring him to dog parks and other people's houses so he experiences many situations and meets all kinds of people/dogs. He's always been a little shy but NEVER fearful of anyone and would approach everyone. Just recently, I had some friends over at my house and he would not go near any of them. I've never seen this behavior from him because I've had people come over before and had no problems. Now, he is fearful most strangers. He runs away, looks away from them, etc.

This worries me because I know that fearfulness in dogs often lead to aggressiveness. He is still young and I'm hoping it can be changed. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experiences similar to this.

Is this a phase? Or do I take action right away by trying to "socialize" him?

Thank you in advance.




  1. This is a normal stage, though his dramatic change may be the result of some traumatic experience. Puppies go through fear stages generally around 7 mos, and again around 14 mos. Avoid traumatic experiences during these times, and reinforce positive behaviors. Carry treats with you and have everyone you meet feed your dog, or toss him a treat. Obedience classes can help you understand and handle your dog's behavior. Also "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete is an excellent book that can help you plan ahead for the many stages your pup will go through.  

  2. It may have been your visitor had a certain scent, or smell on him/her. Dogs can sense things humans cant. You may look into it with a trainer, maybe even a vet.

    If he had been afraid of people before, I would have told you not to worry. But he has been friendly to people and other dogs before, so you may want to look into it.

    Definitely socialize him, and encourage young children and even adults to pet him.

    I hope this helps some.

    Im so sorry this happened.

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