
Bat bite question, please help

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Ok, I was out walking my dog around 8:30pm. August 1st. Not too dark yet, but the sun had set.

I felt something brush against my head, and I'm not sure if it was bug or a bat. I didn't feel like a prick or anything, so if it was a bat I'm not sure if it bit me. Would I feel it if it was a bat, and it bit me? Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I don't ever remember having a bug brush across my head, and me notice it.

Should I be worried??!




  1. You should immediately clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Then flush out all traces of soap. Additional cleansing of the wound site with an alcohol base or other disinfectant (e.g. iodine solution) is also recommended. Seek immediate medical attention  

  2. I would guess that you were not would be highly unusual that a bat would swoop down and bite someone..bats do not attack people. If they bite..they bite in self defense because someone is handling them or harming them.  Do you have bats that you see frequently outside?  Do you know if there are bats in your area.  Do you see any wound on your head?  Check yourself over..but I  think you would have felt a bite by something as large as a bat as opposed to a bug.  

  3. bats are loud, rapid wings moving is loud and they squeak all the time, you would have heard a bat. It sound like a bug and I'm sure you are fine.

  4. Not unless there's a mark where this mystery bug/bat supposedly bit/brushed against you. If theres a mark watch it closely. if with in 24 hours it starts to swell beyond the size of say what a mosquito bite would look like, or if it starts to ooze and bleed....rush yourself to the hospital! Other then that if theres no pain and no mark theres no worries!  

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