
Bat in the house, can we just be roommates?

by  |  earlier

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He's cool, I named him Batsy. So my question is do I have to catch the bugger and take him outside, or can I let him roam free? I hear they eat a lot of insects and living near a river I have lots of mosquitoes. So can I keep him?




  1. well, two reasons to put him out rabies and guano oh yeah, and

  2. I do not advice you to be a roommate with a bat. Although they are useful in eating mosquitoes and other biting flies , but first they are rabies virus carriers, second they have a very distinct secretions that can cause sensitivity and allergy to some people. If he stay with you for some time, he will definitely call Friends to live with him and you will be in a real trouble.

  3. Well, you could, but it's been proven that a bat with rabies is occasionally able to transmit it without biting so I'd seriously think about it first.

  4. You can let it loose and put up a bat house in your yard to attract them or keep them in your yard.  You can't really keep it in your would die of starvation quickly.

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