
Batch delete/add files to zip archives?

by  |  earlier

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I want to delete all .nfo, .txt and .db files from my zip archives (I have about 2000!). My zip files are spread out amongst a lot of sub folders (~50). Winzip will only let me pick one archive at a time?!? Is there a way to batch process and look recursively at all these zip archives? All the sub folders are within the main folder. I then need to test all these archives to make sure they are not corrupt - again, Winzip will only let me test one folder at a time!

Any help, suggestions would be much appreciated!





  1. Sonia is a spammer (one of many), so you can just ignore that c**p.

    WinZIP is a pre-made archiving tool, and has no batch processing abilities. In order to use batch processing, you'll need a ZIP/UNZIP component and knowledge of some scripting. There's VBScript/WSH, that can tap into the DLLs used by WinZIP (WinZIP, after all, uses a library that has been around for years, and can be obtained for free).

    Do a Google search for "script zip/unzip".

    I believe PHP (which can be installed and used on a local PC like VBS) has ZIP/UNZIP processing options built-in.

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