
Bath Knight bath lift ( help )?

by  |  earlier

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fitting second hand bath knight ( bath lift ) cannot remember where the wires go in the 12 volt switch ( switch with green and red light ) would appreciate any help thanks.




  1. 12V ?   Mines 24V !

    Should be quite simple, the transformer has 24v ac coming out that goes to the switch - vie blue and brown wires (the earth is not connected from the output of the transformer).  You can connect the Brown and blue wires accros the light in the switch that go to the main unit, therefore when the swicth is on, the light comes on and 24v ac goes to the unit.

    I would be interested to know if Bath Knight as a complany helped you?

    They are a closed shop and any support, parts , help has to go to them and they will charge you.

    Its is one of the limitations of Bath Knight, you need support you have to go to them and they will charge accordingly.  No competitive market here to keep prices down !

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