
Bath time... 2 yr old?

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my son asked me what his p***s was for yesterday... how much should i tell him... just that it gets rid of urine... or would he understand me...




  1. tell him its where his peepee comes out at and then it goes in to the potty

  2. Just tell him its to go pee, my boy is 3 and i've already told him that his "wewe" makes him a boy, and that girls don't have them. tell him as much or as little as you want.

  3. At this age, telling him that it's the place where urine exits the body should be enough. If he asks again when older then explain more. Hope this helps.

  4. the other responders are completely correct! you should divulge information on all topics (s*x included) on an age appropriate level. Your p***s is where the peepee comes out.

    hey, this could be a great opportunity to start the potty training talks-if you haven't already!

  5. Tell him that it is where his pee-pee comes out.  That's a totally correct answer and much more applicable to his understanding of bodily functions (i.e. potty training, etc.) than any other use of the p***s.  Later you'll have other talks with him, but you don't need to go into everything with a two year old.

    At two, my son knows that "Boys have a p***s, girls have a v****a" (he was in the bath and said, "Danny have a p***s, Daddy have a p***s, Mommy have a p***s?"  and we told him that no, Mommy is a girl and girls have vaginas.  End of story, no need to go into charts and graphs.  He asked for a couple weeks about different people to confirm whether the people he knew were boys and girls and we would answer, "Yes, Grandma is a girl and she has a v****a" or "Yes, he's a boy and so he has a p***s" and that was that.  If you don't make a big deal out of it and answer more than he's asking, you won't get into a problem.  

    (He also knows that when he eats and drinks his food goes down into his stomach and out his "tushie hole" and "p***s" into the potty.)

  6. tell him it's to determine boys from

  7. Tell him basically that his p***s is his p***s. Id try not to give it a funny name as that might confuse him later on. Tell him that it allows him to pee. Nothing else. He is way too young for the s*x talk. Put all this into kid terms that he would understand. This will be much easier when/if he is potty trained because then you can show him that it allows him to pee.
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