
Bathing a rabbit.?

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ok,, HOW do i do it??

is is okay to use human shampoo or dishwashing liquid?

and how do i dry it??

with a blow dryer on cool??





  1. If you want to use shampoo, buy from a pet store, otherwise its harmful and isnt necessary anyway. What i do is i let my bunny stand in a shallow pan (baking pan) and i use a sponge to soak up water and drizzle it over its body. you can rub it down with the sponge, but don't leave it sopping wet as tehy can catch colds in a second.  then, wrap it in a towel and ruffle it up. blow dryer isnt needed, but if you do use one, DON'T PUT IT ON COOL. It will prob catch a cold. anyway, after you've rubbed it down with a towel just let it air dry (outside, no air conditioning) and brush its fur's REALLY soft and fluffy after baths =D

    Edit: people say put it on cool because they are afrain u mite burn it. just keep the blow dryer about a foot away from the rabbit and blow. or just don;t use it at all, unless its winter and friggin freezin.

  2. Just so you know, you don't have to bathe your rabbit unless something happened where they got especially dirty. If you really want to, only bathe them once or twice a year.

    Only use a very mild pet shampoo, or water only. Don't use anything with flea/tick treatment in it.

    I have towel dried my rabbit before after bathing it. If you did blow dry, make sure that it doesn't get warm!

  3. the best thing to do is use low pressure and a tearless shampoo. make sure you wrap him up in a towel so he doesnt thrash around because rabbits can break their backs by twisting around to get out of things (would take a lot though) a blow dryer on low would be fine switching back from warm to cool.

  4. Don't bathe your bunny. They can clean themselves. Your bunny can get very sick if you bathe it. If it is dirty simply using a baby wipe will do the trick.

  5. I dont bathe my bunny with soap but about once a week  I fill the bathtub with about an inch of water and let him run around in it. MY bunny loves it and usually tries to make his way in the tub when he wants in. You shouldn't soap him often unless it is really necessary such as he gets poo in his hair and cant get it out. Then you should use rabbit soap! You can get it at your local pet store!

    Some people think even letting them in water is stressful, but my bunny absolutely loves it. He usually plays for 10 minutes, but never wants out!

  6. Do not bath your rabbit unless is completely necessary. Bathing can cause the rabbit a lot of stress and can even put the rabbit into shock which can be fatal. You can use unscented baby wipes, or buy some rabbit wipes you can buy to spot clean the rabbit with.

    If you have to bath it, NEVER use any kind of human shampoo. Rabbits skin is sensitive and even using a normal animal shampoo you can by at stores I'd be cautious on. Hylyte which can be purchased at a vet clinic or online is a nice soap free, gentle shampoo. Also NEVER completely submerge the rabbit in water.

    But again...i highly discourage bathing the rabbit.  Rabbits are pretty clean animals, and like cats, groom themselves. They shouldn't need baths. If the cage is kept clean, they rabbit should be fine. A daily brushing is good to do also.

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