
Bathing suit/waterpark situation?

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So yesterday I was at a waterpark when i noticed a woman in her mid 30's who had her p*bic hair coming out of her swimsuit and i had my young nephew with me and i know he saw it as well, i wanted to let her know b/c i figured maybe she didn't know...but i didn't. am i wrong for not saying anything to her, now i feel soooo bad.




  1. no, can you imagine how awkward that'd be?

  2. no, i wouldn't have had the guts to say that either. i know u feel bad but i think she will be okay, a little embarrased but shes okay

  3. Well as a lifeguard at a waterpark, I see a lot of nasty people. My policy on the way people are dressed is if it seems like it is an accident and they're not over exposing them selves then i don't say anything. But if they seem to be showing off, offending people or people are just staring disgusted.....I call my manager over and have them take care of it in the most sensitive of ways. In a situation like that its best to leave it up to a manager of the facility (or employee). I would say that you were right not to approach her because the woman would probably would have been quit defensive, embarrassed, and angry.

  4. lol no its not your fault. you shouldnt feel bad about it

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