
Bathroom cleaning: we have a tub insert, what's the best to clean it?

by Guest31956  |  earlier

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at least i THINK it's called an insert

we bought a new house with 2 bathtubs, the tub and the walls are all one unit. they are some kind of plastic

what's the best product(s) to clean them?

i don't have the scrubbing power i used to





  1. Try some soft scrub with bleach...

  2. I have not tried this yet but a friend told me that Spray and Wash works great on the tub surrounds that you are describing.

  3. Dow Scrubbing Bubbles works is non-abrasive and it does not have a chemical smell.  If the enclosure has a large amount of limescale or hard water stains...use CLR or Simply Green to clean it up.  After you get it clean, use a fresh shower product after every shower, such as, Tilex Daily Shower Spray or Arm & Hammer daily spray...they do not have chemical smells and keep your shower nice and clean between weekly scrubbings.

  4. It is important to keep in mind that you should not employ abrasive cleaners. This is because abrasive cleaners have the potential to scratch as well as dull the unit's surface.

    It is advisable to use liquid detergents like Mr. Clean, Ajax, or Top Job. These cleaning agents that have been mentioned may be used for daily cleaning of the tub. Never use a metal scraper, steel wool, or wire brushes because these tools can easily damage the whole setup.

    Periodically, you can scrub any mineral deposits or soap stains using gel gloss or even a dishwashing detergent. Waxing it periodically with a liquid wax can improve the luster and finish of the tub and insert.

  5. clorox cream bleach

  6. "Soft Scrub" cleanser or "Scrubbing Bubbles", I'd also think "Tilex" would work too. Tilex is really strong and it's the only product I've ever found that you can spary, let it sit and then rinse the tub clean, but it's mostly good as a mold killer and disinfectant. I'd just use any non-abrasive cleanser and a soft sponge.  

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