
Bathroom decoration...?

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I currently have a bath & sink in one room with my toilet in another. If I knock the two rooms into one, other than the spiralling house prices, would this have much negative effect on the saleability/price of my flat in the future??

Every wall is currently tiled top to bottom, I'd only want to partially tile my future bathroom. Also am thinking of having a cabinet under the sink. Can you also give me an idea of where I should start???!!!

Much appreciated!! x




  1. I think having a seperate toilet is better,saves a lot of quequeing if someone is having a bath,especially if you have visitors.As for the cabinet under the basin,most are made from MDF or laminated chipboard and they don`t like getting damp.I`d go for a wall cabinet.

  2. I always believe that whole bathrooms are better together (however I'm not always right :p) all I can say is, following a renovation project of my own, if your gonna do a job do it properly, even if it is more costly try and replaster then retile and refit etc. New kitchens and bathrooms always add value, I read somewhere recently that a new kitchen / bathroom can add as much as 10k to a house price!

  3. As for house price, it is unlikely to affect resale value - it just becomes an "integral bathroom".

    You can tile upto about 1.2 meters - and then paper then paint above that. Use proper 'bathroom' paint as this IS water and mould proof.

    THere's a range of under the sink cabinets in B&Q / Home Depot / Homebase / etc

    And be sure the wall you knock out is NOT load bearing!!!!

  4. cant see this having much negative effect all depends on preference,i prefer a bathroom all in one as u are planning but some prefer seperate.

    check that the wall u intend to knock down isnt load bearing as this could cause you major problems if it is (i doubt it is but check) a local builder will be able to advise you on this,do u intend doing the job yourself?

    cant give you more advice untill u give more info,ie structure of wall etc

  5. a hole bathroom is better than half a bathroom do it the way you wont it you are the one living there now and i dont thank it would hurt the house any if anything it would help it sell

  6. Well assuming you don't botch the overall look of the bathroom, I'm not sure if it would have a negative impact. In fact, if people like a bathroom with everything in it (the toilet, tub, shower with shower faucet, and sink all in the same), wouldn't that kind of justify asking for a higher price on your home?

    I'm not totally sure but I generally see that most bathrooms contain a sink, shower, and toilet all in one.

    I could be wrong though and I definately hope someone else gives their input. Cabinets under the sink also work, I have one and it's really nice and convenient to store bathroom stuff (cleaners, bleach, plungers, spare sponges, towels, etc).

  7. If you are going to remodel the bathroom, I wouldn't do a thing until you are ready to do the whole job..

    I would gut the room to the walls. It is a little more expensive that way and more work, but it always will look better and be easier than trying to match this to that. Patch remodeling never looks good no matter how you lie to yourself.

    Just rip everything out and start from scratch.

    A new bathroom ALWAYS raises the value of your home.

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