
Bathroom problems at school?

by  |  earlier

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is it a law that they HAVE to let you go? i think it should be, and that its messed up when your teacher wont let you go. i mean if their in the middle of something i could understand but just NOT letting you go cause you already used your 1 bathroom pass for the ENTIRE first semester is sad. i mean what about girls who get unexpected surprises during class? my teacher said you can go to the bathroom if you stay after for a detention later! thats so sooooooo messed up!! what do you think??




  1. This is America.  You have the freedom to just go to the restroom.  There may be consequences for violating one of your teacher's classroom rules, but it is better than wetting yourself.  Just go, serve the detention, and get on with your education.

  2. Hmmm. I know some people won't agree with me but I think GIRLS should always be allowed to go to the bathroom. Or at least have more than ONE pass per semester. Boys, on the other hand, can just hold it... or learn to go during breaks :-)

    I don't think there's a law, but I'm surprised your school is so tough. They're just asking for someone with a kidney problem or something to get sick and then sue them.

  3. I'd walk out... or jus pee on the teachers desk... lol.. j/k... but seriously... when you gotta go, you gotta go...  

  4. err you can make something up you left something in your other class..but it has to be something of importance

  5. blame the teacher's former students who probably took advantage of the teacher in the past so now the teacher no longer trusts any of the students.

  6. Thats ridiculous just one pass for the semester. We were allowed to go whenever.

  7. I don't think there's a law, but you can tell your parents and they can complain.

    I for one think that 1 bathroom for a whole semester is BULLCRAP.

    If you really had to go, I would just walk out and go, and if she tries to give you detention, tell the principal or other staff and get her *** FIRED.

  8. LoL

    Yeah I know, it is ridiculous.

    If you have girl problems, they kinda have to let you go, unless they want stuff all over the classroom.

    At my school, they say if it is an emergency, they they will let you go.

    Or you can just tell them you need to puke.

    They will deff let you go.


    But seriously... try it.

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