
Bathroom problems with my 5 yr old....?

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My 5 yr. old daughter has always had a problem with wetting the bed. She goes in spurts where she will be okay for awhile, but then will have accidents for days in a row. Now we have an issue with going #2 in her pants also.. I will say it's only been for the last three days, and it is diarrhea. I personally think that she can't get to the bathroom in time. Is any of this normal?




  1. my son has the same problem.  the doctor said it is because he sleeps so deep that he cannt wake up when he has the urge.

  2. Yes, it is normal.  I wouldn't worry about the diarrhea unless it continues.  One thing I can add to what has already been said is to not let her drink milk or have dairy products after supper and  limit liquids in the evening.  Also, try to get her to go to the bathroom right before going to bed.  Make sure she is getting enough rest.  An overly tired child will have more trouble waking up if she has to go in the night.

  3. If its diahrrea, then maybe she has a little stomach virus or something going on.  You can give her some pepto-bismol or another anti-diahretic.  That would probably help her.  If your not sure how much to give, speak to you doctor.  He/she can help you with the dosage.  Bed-wetting happens..if they are sound sleepers, they sometimes "dream" that they are going to the bathroom to go, but not actually getting out of bed. lol.

    It happens.  Good luck and dont worry.

  4. My son wet the bed until he was 8 or 9. It was every night, and he didn't even wake up until morning. We had to hire this company that teaches parents how to retrain the kid to wake up and go. It wasn't a punishment thing, it was a learning thing. Unfortunately I can't remember the company name. But it used a "wetting alarm" that woke both our son and us up when he did, and a procedure we went through each time to make sure he was totally awake and then have him try to go in the toilet. You might want to research something like this. It was not cheap, but oh, so worth it. PS his behavior and attitude improved after the program, because it was all caused by his sleep cycle being 'off' and this correct it so he rested better.

  5. I think that if she has diarrhea, you're correct and she can't get to the bathroom in time.  It will probably disappear in a couple of days.

    As far as the bedwetting is concerned, a lot of five-year-olds have this problem.  It's not at all unusual.   As others have mentioned, she may be a very deep sleeper, and sometimes can't wake herself up when she has to go.   Just get her some pull-ups for now, and don't worry.  She will grow out of it.

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