
Bathrooms and museums, any takers?

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i have a lot of dreams about bathrooms and museums, just wondering if i can get an indepth interpretation. i do the dictionaries, but get mostly one liners. just interested in what you may have to contribute.

the museums differ in content, size, lighting and layout.

and i am either using the bathroom, cant use the bathroom, others are in there with me, and cleaning the bathroom.

what say you?




  1. bathrooms often represent cleansing- spiritual cleansing- unless

    you really gotta go!

    a museum could represent something that's preserved and taken care of.

    think of both as representing aspects of your own life and go from there.  I can give you certain keys, but the application is up to you because you're the one who knows your own life.

  2. I've interpreted a dozen or so dreams on here, and they all have a sexual element.  This is because we're sexual beings living in a society which has found the need to demonize sexuality, which is okay if you're actually allowed to perform it.  Dreams, however, are not subject to man's laws, but they are influenced by your level of belief in the law's justification.  I think everybody wants a s**y dream, but dream s*x, while it's always best, is unfortunately more elusive than real-life s*x.  So all dreams actually have roots in sexuality.

    Now you might come back to me and tell me that you're a fine, upstanding Christian man.  Fine, whatever.  I know the roots of human sexuality, and when it comes to the matters of spirits, dreams don't lie.  They're from God, and they're messages of truth.  How you interpret them is up to you, but since it's now open for public scrutiny, this is what I see:

    In my view, the combination museums and bathrooms says that there's some kind of dirty fetish you have about being blackmailed and having your secrets exposed for your own humiliation so you can get off on the whole thing.  Your spirit wants to experience that, and it needs your body to do it, only it doesn't like your body the way it is now, and it wants to turn you into something more attractive and appealing to look a goddess.

    Yes, the fact that you're using the bathroom, or can't is evidence that in your fantasy there would be others around controlling when you can and cannot use the restroom.

    Okay, now I don't wanna hear anybody write back to me about my dirty mind.  Dreams are what they are.  Even using the bathroom in a dream, to me, is replicating one of the most disgusting activities a human can engage in as a mortal. But dreams are about immortality, about gods who live by different rules than we live by here in society.  It's important to keep the two distinguished in your mind for right now to avoid being put in a mental hospital.

  3. I don't see anything about the museum, however; the bathroom shows something about unstable house, a house probably full of conflicts and fighting. The whole situation about the bathroom shows me something about women and lust as if more than one person has seen you naked.

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