
Baths.......(see details)?

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My step mom says that women shouldn't take baths especially during their monthly because they can give you uti's.My mom says that they are fine and that they help with cramps.Who is right and why?




  1. ur mom is right the warm helps the cramps

  2. Your mom is right.

    As long as the tub isn't filthy then there is no reason you would get an infection.

    Warmth helps muscles (cramping) relax.

  3. Your step mom doesn't no what she's talking about.  Taking a bath doesn't harm you ( when your on or of your period ).  When your on your period a warm bath does help with cramps,  and It's easier to clean ( down there ) yourself  because the water is all surrounding you.  So your real mom is right, And from personal experience  I like taking a  bath and not shower when aunt flo comes to visit lol.  I hope I helped you, good luck.

  4. The warmth will help with cramps, just wear a tampon unless you want to bathe in your own blood. :(  

  5. I believe your mom, I've never heard anything about baths giving you uti's it may be right and it may be wrong. My mom told me to take a bath when I'm sick and everything and it does help. Your mom id definatly right but i don't know about your step mom


  6. Your mother is right, your step mother sounds an idiot feeding you bulls*it like that


  7. Baths will help with cramps with no bad side effects

  8. I love bathe Period or no period

  9. wow i accturally dont know i never thought of that

  10. your mom is right because the warmth from the bath can help with your cramps... and ive never heard of getting uti's from a bath during your period.

  11. bath r very good for u. It relaxes ur................ well everything

  12. ive never done it but my mom does. im pretty sure its fine

  13. You Mom is right.  Bath's don't give you UTI's and they will help relieve cramps!  Heck they have you take sits baths after having a baby, they wouldn't do that if it gave you a UTI!

  14. i think tis fine if the tub is really clean and you don't stay in too long

  15. take baths!!!! it does help with cramps and that is the 'time of month' where you should keep ecspecially clean. hope this helps!!!

  16. It's ok to take a bath while on your period.  

  17. i know what your step mom is talking about. if you sit in a bubbly bathh tub too long the soap will give you a uti. it's happend to me as a child. but she also could mean that if some blood should come out while in there and you're still in the tub afterward than its possible you could get a uti. there are plenty of things that can give you a uti, but a bathtb isnt one of them.  just rinse the tub down thoroughly befor eyou get in it so your not sitting in soap scum from the person who used it before you.

    good luck!

  18. There seems to be no problem having bath during periods to me. Sorry I do not have detailed explanation for your question. But, please check here you might get what you want to know :-

    Hope this will Help a Bit :)

  19. Bathing (which encompasses the use of a shower and a bath tub) should definitely be done...ESPECIALLY during your cycle!  Menstrual flow needs to be cleaned away daily to cut down on odors (not to mention the bacteria that cause UTI's), and a warm bath can help with easing cramps, fatigue and back aches, commonly associated with your period.

    Don't listen to every stupid old wive's tale your step mother spouts.  She may mean well, but I guarantee she doesn't have that "fresh as a flower" sensation during her cycle...BECAUSE she doesn't bathe (ewww!).

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