
Batista and John Cena poll unfair?

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We know that Cena has bigger fan bases with kids and women than Batista and more men respect Batista. I think that the vote was unfair because who's going to vote? Not that many men are going to vote in a poll on raw compared to women and children. I think it was unnecessary poll and I feel bad for Batista.




  1. i don't feel bad at all.  As much as Batista is respected by the male audience, John Cena's star is much brighter.  In comparison, the WWE has pushed the bejeesus out of John Cena, while Batista has been pushed only moderately.  In fact, Edge is a bigger star than Batista is.  As is Triple H, Chris Jericho, HBK, and a bunch of others.

    Batista is just a "big guy" with no gimmick and horrid mic skills...  so in the end, the poll was fair.

  2. Yeah, 27 to 73 is kinda mean. But remember WrestleMania 24, Orton got 8 percent and he won! Batista might win at SummerSlam!

  3. It's not about women or children voting, well, not totally.  I'm a man, and I'm not a fan of John Cena or Batista.  Yet the question was unfair to Batista, however, because quite frankly John Cena is a much bigger star than Batista.  Cena is getting promotional deals left and right, he's been on Larry King Live, he's put out a movie and is about to finish a second.  Batista is strictly a WWE competitor, and that's okay.  The question should have been:  "Who's going to win at Summerslam?"  That way the results would have been a little closer and fairer to Batista.

  4. I have something against hardy fans

  5. [[[UGH I HATE BATISTA!!!]]]

  6. no im not a kid and i think john cena is much nicer to fans and has better mic skills, not to mention a better physique, batista's shoulders are huge and the rest of his arms are small as ****...cena has a much better physique and his discipline in the weight room is unmatched

    batista sucks

  7. no way

    batista is a roider and botches

    he made a fan cry be cuz he  called the fan fat

    he cheated on his wife in real life

    john cena is nice to fans everywhere


  8. well it doesn't matter about the poll its who going to win at ss

    but yes that was a little high 4 John

    oh the guy who doesn't like hardy fans i dont like you either

  9. I think the poll was spot right. John Cena is for sure the bigger star. Also your wrong. Most people respect Cena and hate Batista. Haven't you heard what an *** batista is in real life.

  10. has much as i hate both of them but i think cena is better then batista cause cena has a little bit more mic skills and at least cena is not an *** to the fans unlike batista

  11. cena IS a bigger star anyways though and i think the poll was spot on

  12. yra it is unfair...he is my fav superstar :(

  13. John Cena has a big fan base for kids under 15 like Batista said, and a lot of teen girls. Also, John Cena is a movie "star" so maybe that is what got the fans thinking, hmm....... since the poll clearly states "who is a bigger star"

    I also read his book. I know he is misunderstood, and I believe him because he is a honest man.  

  14. Well it's unfair for you to say Batista has more male respect. you don't know that. But if the people like John more, then the people like John more. It's just a matter of opinion.

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