
Batman: Arkham City Collector’s Edition priced! But whats inside?

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Batman: Arkham City Collector’s Edition priced! But whats inside?
Price listings on retail websites and job vacancies at developers seem a major source of news these days and if the reader was to rely on the validity of such things then there may be some good news, as it seems Batman: Arkham City is set to get a Collector’s
Apparently Best Buy, one of the largest retailers in the United States of America, listed the Collector’s edition on their website. However, if fans were expecting more news or details, they will be disappointed, as can only confirm that the Collector’s
Edition is priced at $99.
Apart from the listing and the price, there were no other details for gamers to get excited about, especially what players will get in addition to the game disc with the Collector’s Edition. can only speculate as to what Rocksteady, the game’s developer, may throw together to entice fans to part way with a little extra cash for the special package. Maps of the in-game areas have become a regular feature and with the scale of Arkham
City reported to be significantly larger than the original game, Batman: Arkham Asylum, a map would seem both an appropriate and a likely choice.
If Call of Duty: Black Ops was anything to go by, then a remote controlled Batman Mobile may not be out of the question, though at $99 it seems unlikely. However, a Batman figure would not be too hard to add, seeing how franchises like Ubisoft’s Assassins
Creed, Guerrilla Games’ Killzone and Naught Dog’s Uncharted series all seem to be incorporating them.
Batman may seem the obvious choice for the figurine, but any character ranging from Catwoman to Robin, the Joker to Harvey Dent would suffice. Seeing how Best Buy are offering Robin as a pre-order incentive for the game, maybe the boy wonder could feature
as well. However, if a figure does come out, gamers can expect Batman, Catwoman and the Joker to be the most likely.
What else could Rocksteady squeeze into the package? Again taking the example of Uncharted, which included a replica dagger in the package, a replica Batarang would be something fans of the world’s greatest detective would be willing to dish a few extra
dollars for.
A concept art book or a graphic novel seem a near certainty, as they would not only fit in really well with the title but would help players catch up on a number of characters, for example, on Robin’s background or even Catwoman’s.
However, there has been no confirmation on any of these and it seems that for now all one can do is speculate and dream. Yet, with the game’s release date drawing ever closer, one can expect a number of announcements on both the Collector’s Edition for the
United States, as well as other Editions for different territories.
GamesCom is just around the corner and Comic-Con 2011 is even nearer and with the developers promising to showcase something at these events, one can expect those details to be shared before one can turn around to see if Batman had been watching him.
Yet, with a host of characters yet to be revealed, as teased by Rocksteady, it seems that the combination of leaks and announcements has just begun.



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