So yesterday there was a bat in the toilet bowl and I was about to sit down and saw him in there, and he was clawing trying to get out. I felt bad for him, so I used a paper towel and helped him out. He flew around a little and went into the wall (background: I live in a dorm with 18 other boys, it's rustic and wooden). I go to my room and work on the computer for a while, and decide to go to bed. I keep my sheets under my bed, because I don't like to make it. When I pull them out, the bat (the same one?) comes flying out, and flies around the room. I get him out, and go to bed. An hour or so later, I feel this thing on my back -- the bat! I don't know whether he was in the sheets or not, but it sure felt like he was. Anyway, the rest of it is irrelevant, I think. What do you think I should do? Should I go to the doctor? I read a lot of old stuff about bats and rabies... does that all still apply? Should I go see the doctor? I don't want to die from a nervous system disease.... poison, great, but I want my brain up to the end.