
Bats are in my home. How can I get them out???

by Guest31800  |  earlier

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We've had three bats inside our house in the last two weeks. Where might they be coming from? How can we get them out? Any ideas?




  1. Please check first link as soon as possible.


    These are, most likely, babies who are lost and as bats will soon be going into hibernation it may be too late to rescue them.  I hope someone will be able to come to help you today and do thank you for not attempting to kill them.  Don't attempt to handle them - wait for advice.

    If you're not too far from a university, call to speak with someone in the Zoology Department.  


    If you have children, perhaps, you and they might wish to build some bat roosting boxes, during winter, to put up in your area.

    My husband and I, plus house-cat, had 73 pregnant female Pipistrelles (first year) living in the wall cavities and 474 pregnant females by the time we moved nine years later.  The National Trust declared our property a protected area..  


  2. Call BATMAN.

    nanananananananananananana BATMAN!

  3. I would call an exterminator. Also after those bats are killed make sure, if you find where they're coming in from, seal that up. You would not believe some of the horrifying stories I have of bats completely taking over a house, and like turning it into a huge bat colony.  

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