
Batten down the hatches, captain?

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i live in salisbury wiltshire is the storm heading my way or will the north have all the fun




  1. hope not im in the north east and not looking forward to it

  2. Well I thought it was the south west/wales that were getting all the fun.  the windy rainy stuff is coming off the Atlantic.  I've just used the phrase batten down the hatches on another question - I was referring to my guinea pig hutch, interesting saying.

  3. another storm in a tea cup LOL...

  4. I don't think i will be having fun got a leaking roof

  5. according to sky news weather, the north will miss most of the fun, but by monday/tuesday, the south will be hit with gales which could turn out to be the worst of the year so far.

    Dont batten down them hatches, Nail them down!

  6. The south of england will bear the brunt,Starting early monday,Good luck.

  7. Fun? I had to replace my fence last year I don't call gale force winds FUN!

  8. its already windy where i  am

  9. ..I'm keeping a weather eye on the approaching storm.  It's a God almighty Atlantic howler and no, the folk up North are gonna share this monster with the rest of us.

    I'm foolishly hoping that because I live down here in Sunny Greenwich-on-Thames, that the worst of it will have worn itself out by the time it hits London.  Ha!  Don't make me laff.

    Well at least we won't be able to blame poor Michael Fish - who incidentally has made a good living off the the un-storm since he retired from the Met-Office.

    Poor Michael was just hoping that the storm would disappear somewhere in the vast expanse of the Bay of Biscuits - no chance : -

    YouTube - BBC weather blooper by Michael Fish storm of 1987

    BBC weather blooper by Michael Fish night before the storm of 1987 - see next

    vid for what happened following day!

  10. FUN! Its no fun up where I live in a storm. People and cars being swept into the sea by the force of the waves. We are cut off at the best of times, a storm can make it far worse.

  11. I don't see your area on the weather warning

  12. I love a good storm especially when looking out to sea, but it's not always fun when it can cause so much destruction.

  13. The hatches cannae take it captain.

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