
Battery cap or Capacitor?

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Pioneer 50x4 headunit, kicker 5.25 door speakers, 6x8 kickers in the rear, a kicker comp powered by a lightning audio amp are all installed in my 99' ford escort. When deep bass hits, all lights, even the inside dim. Sometimes my engine light comes on like every other week. I been reading up on capacitors and battery caps, what exactly do I need to get the best out of my system without ruining my car and the way it runs?




  1. Neither.  Fix your alternator.

  2. dont get either, get a high output alternator and u will be more than fine...for that car, its only like 165 dollars at a onlins store..not a parts store in ur will be like 300 there

  3. first try a opitma battery if that don't work then use a larger fuse with the battery then try the capacitor.

  4. get a High out put alt. you may need a better abttery but an alt will work the best. and it will cost the same as adding another battery after you buy all the wire and fuse holders and **** get an alt

  5. i would recommend get in a capacitor because it stores battery power for when the system needs it the most so this should keep your car working properly

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