
Battle Of The Hardcore? ft Hot Chick?

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Edge v. Mick Foley v. Undertaker v. Kane? who was the best Hardcore Champion? who would make a good Hardcore Champion now?

now on to the hot chick singing about the "chicken"




  1. Undertaker would win.

    Mick foley was the best Hardcore Champion.

    Triple H would now make a good hardcore champ

  2. If you are talking about currently i will go with Edge.

    He is the  hardcore type.

    Mick Foley- He has gotten so old i dont think he will be able to handle the extreme stuff he used to.

    Undertaker- He is not a ' hardcore' type. Although he has had some brutal matches he fits more towards the wwe and WHC championship!

    Kane- Kane is good powerhouse/technical wrestler. Again he is a superstar who is not fit for the title. Yes, he has had some extreme matches in the past but not enough to make him a hardcore!


    Edge- This guy is young and has great talent. He can carry up the name for 'hardcore'! See some of his previous matches in youtube. You will be suprised. The reason he is not ' hardcore' anymore is because of the stupid Edge/Vicci storyline but he is back!

    Edge is still young. He has what a hardcore person needs. He meets all the requirements!

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