
Battleship Tactics?

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Hi, I've started playing battleship the board game recently and to put it blunty...I suck. Has anyone got any foolproof tactics or game plans...any plays you want to share?




  1. ALWAYS place ships alittle apart... if they call a wrong "guess"; they would not hit another ship!!

  2. don't put them all together, spread them around! the opponent might try this too, but after finding one ship,try shooting around it a bit. if you find nothing, they are using the same tactic.

  3. Nothing is foolproof, but this might help.

    First - realize that you don't need to hit every single hole to win.  The smallest ship takes 2 spots, so you need to hit only every other one to guarantee you'll find it.

    Start by making your shots in a straight line across the board, skipping every other hole.  If you get a hit, explore around it until you sink the ship, then continue to the other side of the board.

    Next, make another pass across the board in a different direction.  If you went horizontal before, go vertical this time.  Again, skip every other hole, and explore around any hits.

    Next, make passes through the quarter sections of boards that you've created here.

    The idea is that, unless your opponent has bunched up his ships in a corner, you'll probably catch at least some of them with this tactic.  If you're lucky, you'll sink his tiny little destroyer.  That means that you can skip 2 holes and hit only every 3rd one, since it takes 3 holes to hide the sub and cruiser.

  4. C






  5. Not fool proof, but the checkerboard approach is pretty good basic approach.

    Imagine the board was patterned like a checkerboard, then only aim for the black squares until you've found the locations of all the ships.

    You can improve this by, when you have hit a ship, destroy it completely. Once you have destroyed any ships only two units in length (usually only 1 of them) you can then proceed to target squares three spaces apart. This means you are only leaving gaps of two squares in length, which is too small for ships three units or longer, so you are guaranteed to find them all doing this methodically. Again, once you destroy all ships of three or less in length, start hitting squares 4 apart.
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