
Battling Japanese Beetles?

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I have A LOT of Japanese Beetles in my yard although they're concentrated on my Four O'Clocks more then anything else. This is the first year I've had a problem with them. I've done my research, so I understand the life cycles and that they will more then likely be a problem next year as well.

Just tonight I set up two traps, one at either end of my back yard, away from my flowers. What I would like to know, is how long do I wait before giving up on the traps and moving on to another option?

Also, what have you found that works more then anything else?

Thanks for your help.




  1. Sevin dust usually works well as long it doens't get washed off.  Treat your yard for grubs regualarly and the beetles shouldn't be a problem.  The traps work better is you put them nearer the source of what they are eating.  That way they are drawn to the traps and die rather then eat your plants.

  2. The traps work great if your yard is big enough to pull the beetles a great distance from the target flowers.

    Then there is a granular product called MILKY SPORE.


    You put that in the ground and it is a fungus or a bacteria? I can't remember. But it will kill and keep killing Japanese Beetle grubs (babies)  for 10 years or so.

    Slow, but it works, and is harmless to pets and humans.

      For Chemicals, Sevin Dust on the plants works well.

    Bayer, Rose and Shrub, pesticide works well.

      But, I hope you do not give up on the traps, and add MILKY SPORE to you mix!

  3. the best method is removing them by hand and putting them in a jar of bleach.  Traps do not really work and all they do is draw more beetles into your yard.  my neighbor once told me she wanted to place traps in my yard to draw beetles away from her plants which i veto ed because it would them eat my plants.  You can also place cups of beer under your plants to attrach them

  4. Ortho Bug B Gone max.  This kills them and keeps them off the plant.  Don't spend hours picking them off the plants only having them come back.  You need to spray something like this product to keep them from  coming back.

  5. Don't ya hate these dam things...Seems like they are getting worse in last few yrs.This year we sprayed all the trees and shrubs with something that had malathion in it. Forget the name of it. Garden center stuff. I think the traps just bring more into the yard. So far I haven't seen any and my purple plum still seems to have whole leaves...hope this keeps working. Good Luck

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