
Baylor's Robert Griffin III in line with Andrew Luck as prospective top draft prize – NFL News

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Baylor's Robert Griffin III in line with Andrew Luck as prospective top draft prize – NFL News
The Indianapolis Colts who have become eligible for a top draft prize for having finished the 2011 National Football League (NFL) season at the bottom with only two wins now have to decide who to hire: Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III?
Baylor's Robert Griffin III also known as RG3 has become the latest top draft prospect along with Stanford College’s QB, Luck, and it is a matter of choice for Irsay who to take on board.
It has now become certain that Colts will sign a new QB when the draft season starts in April this year. There is no confirmation if they are going to ploy the new singing as a replacement to their QB, Peyton Manning, who is walking on a thin rope of his
A number of football commentators believe that the new draft signing, who could be either Luck or Griffin, will be trained and groomed by Colts as the Peyton’s replacement in the longer run.
Nothing has been said by Colts owner, Jim Irsay, around such a probability except for some indications that he will be signing the rookie QB.
He had also hinted at the difficulty of choosing one of the two draft QBs, who are equally impressive in their game skills and stature in the college league.
Some of other hopefuls for RG3 are the Cleveland Browns, Washington Redskins, Miami Dolphins and Seattle Seahawks. None of those teams have spoken of their interest in hiring Griffin III.
As a matter of fact, the Miami Dolphins have come out with their greater interest in hiring of Colts injured QB, Peyton Manning, if he is released by his team at some point in the near future.
Colts owner, Jim Irsay, has been pursuing an aggressive cleansing and overhauling of his team. All his measures have so far been restricted to management and coaching department.
It is expected that his intentions also focus reshuffling of his squad, which in the absence of Peyton Manning, was fully exposed in the poor quality of its talent.
With an expected overhauling of his team, the owner is expected to sign a couple of players off the free agency and draft rookies such as Luck or Griffin III into the squad.
He also has to come up with his final decision on the future of Peyton Manning with or without Colts, which will lead him to make a choice in the signing either of the draft quarterbacks.
A mock exercise of the draft season is underway since November 2011 and the two players, Andrew Luck from Stanford college and Baylor's Robert Griffin III have topped all the ratings and grading of prospective draft signees.
Both players have already disclosed their decision of going pro from next (2012) NFL season. They will have to wait until April to know who are their prospective buyers.



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