
Bb contrabass clarinet players!!?

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I play bass clarinet and am thinking of trying out for contra bass clarinet, but if its too big I might not try out.Can anyone who has one measure it or maybe just give an estimate of how big it is compared to yourself(like is it up to your shoulders, above your head?)Also is it very heavy?




  1. the mouthpiece is set about 5 inches higher than a normal bass clarinet. i suggest you work out a way to try the instrument & see if it suits you before committing to play it.

    btw; contrabassclarinet is awesome, beautiful, dark, & lush.

    any truly great sounding wind ensemble has one and it sets a huge tone quality warmth for the entire band.

  2. Yeah, it's pretty heavy/big. But if you're used to bass, you will get used to contra.

    It's not taller than myself but you definitely need to be tall in order to play it with ease.

    I do okay and I'm 5'8, if that helps!

  3. I'm 5'4 and have played the big clarinets well over 20 years.  Your height will make no difference at all though you will need a stool for the contras instead of a chair.

    There a two types of contra.  The straight is much taller than the paperclip.  Leblanc makes the paperclip and it's much easier to handle than a straight contra.  Both are designed so that the mouthpiece reaches the players face.  We shorter people just need a little boost (stool or double chairs) to be comfy.

    Both of contras are taller than I am (seated - we play seated), it's made no difference to me playing them.  They are very fun to play.

    A caution though - a straight contra case is very long.  It won't fit in a seat on the bus and won't fit in many car trunks.  If you're going to have to haul it around, it can be a real pain.

    A plus though - professionals get paid extra for having to haul it around.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

    player with a paperclip

    player on a straight

    notice how much smaller the paperclip is than a straight contrabass.  Also know that an EEb Contralto (called by many a contrabass) is smaller than the BBb Contrabass.

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