
Bb9 would you have stolen or shared the 50 grand?

by Guest45555  |  earlier

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Bb9 would you have stolen or shared the 50 grand?




  1. depends who i was against :)

    if i liked them id share it

    if i didnt id take it :)  

  2. Shared.

  3. Given it to charity, shared some with housemates and kept some for myself for the future.

    WHo's in the final?

    EDIT: Aah, I see what this is about now! I'd have shared, regardless of how much I disliked the other person.

  4. if i was against darnell then i would of stole.


  5. share definetly cos 25 grand is enough!!

  6. Depends on who I was playing against

    Lisa - shared

    Sara - shared

    Rex - take (because he would take so he's getting **** all if i'm not)

    Darnell - same as Rex

    Mo - share

    Mikey - Share

    Rachel - share

    Kat - shate

  7. share

  8. Stolen against Rex, Darnell, Mo  or Mikey...shared with Kat, Lisa, Sarah or Rachel...

  9. 25 grand isn't worth being labelled the BB scumbag, and will diminish your earning power you reckon the producers of Golden Balls might be a bit miffed ?

  10. I would have shared whoever i was up against because I have a conscience - and I am a nice person!  I couldn't have lived with myself if I had taken it.

  11. I agree with a lot of the other answers, it would make you look really bad if you took and the other shared and it would make you really unpopular inside and outside of the house but I still would have taken if I was up against Rex. Smarmy g!t.

  12. TBH I think it'd depend who I was playing against! lol

  13. It would totally depend on who I was up against. If it was Sara or Lisa I would have shared. In fact the only time I owuld have taken would be if I thought the other person was going to do that as well.

  14. Shared as if you did not public would vote you out not to mention the Wrath of everyone in the house.

  15. well if i was playing against the two that played it i would share but if i was playing against darnell rex mohhamed mickey kat and the other gal i would steel lol that kat drives me crazzy with that voice lol no wonder ppl want to leave the bb9

  16. I would have shared with all except rex and kat, lol.

  17. would have shared in that same situation where i was up against  my mate.. but put me up against mo and i would have had to steal.. kinda think bb9 is a bit c**p now certain people have gone neways. =]

  18. I would have stolen...Simply because I had gone in there to win and not to make friends.

    BB is a game and it should be played out.

    Edit: I don't know why people are saying that they would have taken from some and shared with others....I think that's a 'cop' out ...

  19. i would have shared either way. it would have made the other look worse once holding the take block. when you think it about it, it wasn't hard, especially once getting the chance to have a one minute discussion. it is the fairest and easiest way to know that i and my opponent leave wealthy. i think if any of the two had put take, that would have obviously been the person to go on friday, coz the public would know that they were greedy, even though they could have just split it.

  20. I agree with whipasschick

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