
Bbq make-up help asap

by  |  earlier

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im going to a bbq in about 40 mins and neeed help with make up i only have the basics please help





  1. look up make-up tips on youtube, there are so many tutorials on how to do your make-up step by step. really try it!

  2. i guess its too late now, but for future reference...

    day bbq all you need is tinted moisturiser, good mascara and some lipgloss. thats it.

    night bbq or more dressy bbq, add some soft neutral brown eyeshadow and a little bit of pale pink blush to the look.

    less is more. bbqs are pretty laid back usually.

  3. put some light brown eyeshadow on and some mascara

    and then put some lip gloss on

    that's all you need

  4. put it on however you  normally would.
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