
Bbq with hood - managed to cook the roast ok but the vegies burn?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried putting them in a tin contained and also in foil but still come out black - can anyone help - thanks




  1. if your grill does not have an upper rack one can be fabricated from a cake cooling rack w/o any trouble.

    note other answers about cooking times for vegetables.

    if using gas turn off for last few min. before cook time is up .

    charcoal keep an eye on coals and use a spray bottle of water as needed.

  2. veggies generally only take a few minutes to cook.  I either stand there with the hood up and watch them, or stick them in foil and cook on indirect heat.  Coals to one side - food to the other side.  Good luck!

  3. Veggies don't take as long as meat.  Put them on about 40 min. before the roast is done.

  4. put in foil, turn quite often, and dont close hood.

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