
Bbt chartering experts! please help!!!?

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I was woken up by my husband getting out of bed. I wasn't really sleeping because I tossed and turned all night. So at 7 am (which I never wake up at) it was 97.7 and then I went down stairs and ate a banana because I was in pain from being hungry (this never happens). I went back to sleep and rewoke at 10ish to test and it was 98.5 and I thought I'd sleep a little more since I ate something which I know you're not supposed to do but I figured it had been a while. I woke up 4 hours after eating and slept very well and temped again at 11:30 @ 98.6. According to my chart what should this be? I've been picking my temps when I wake up around 10 or 11(these daggon olympics!). Help please!




  1. i would take the one at 10am, since you had around 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep, which is ok for accuracy, and it's around your normal time for taking them. Or, you could take the 2 readings, one at 10 and one at 11.30, and take the average, which would be 98.55. i wouldnt use the one at 7 since earlier in the morning gives lower temps. hope this helps somewhat.  

  2. To tell you the truth from personal experience....I wake up everyday between 3-4 from my cats and my husband getting ready for work.  I get out of bed, feed my cats, go to the bathroom and then go back to bed.  I have my alarm set for 6 am and that is when I take my temp.  So techinically...I don't get the full 3 hours of sleep and I do a lot before taking my temp.  And yet, my charts still show ovulation and everything.  I say take your temp at the same time.  So whenever you usually take your temp, record that.  I know it doesn't make sense and goes against bbt rules, but it still works for me.  

  3. I would use 97.7 temp. It's important that it's first temp after at least 4 hours of sleep.

  4. you should take your temperatures at a certain time everyday, also do not read too much into your chart until after the cycle is finished. after a few cycles of charting, you will notice your pattern, one off-temp doesn't effect the result, as people may get sick, sleep deprived, or other things that happne sometimes.

    most important thing is to record your BBT at a SPECIFIC time everyday before you get out of bed. one you wake up your body temperature starts to rise and that is why you got higher temps later in the day. your body metabolism and your breathing affect your temperature. for example, if you breath from your mouth when you sleep, you will have slightly lower temps.

    good luck and as i said, do not read into your chart untill the end of it, you will notice a pattern then.

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