
Be Tibetans anti-china protest & consequent "attack" on torch have any impact on olympic's "Brand Equity"??

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Olympic is nodoubt the ever best tool to reach mass market (global market) -- a lot's of copyright history zipped over the world, but my question is very kind of "off" to PR Consultant or any Marketting Executive enlisted in my address book




  1. No. As long as many countries are waiting in the line to be a host country.  Brand equity is for the Olympic itself not for China.

  2. No. It is regrettable that politics is foisted on us at every Olympics. The whole point of the original Olympics is that countries, even if at war with each other, should send athletes to the Games. In modern times we have besmirched the Olympic ideal my foisting political causes of all sorts on the wearying public. Keep sport and politics apart. If you disagree with a host nations conduct in some matter, write your MP/Congressman/Senator saying why. Start a petition but DON'T interfere with the Olympics.

  3. No, the Olympics will proceed well but this is a dangerous trend every country has internal issues you cant mix politics and sports

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