
Be careful what you wish for.?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever heard of the expression be careful what you wish for? Well what have you wished for, but then regretted it happening later on?




  1. I wished that I could bang

    my girlfriends sister.

  2. yeah ive heard about that. but i quite disagree with the word "regretted"'s the story...

    my grandma had a heart attack. i prayed so hard hoping from the Lord to not take her yet... Ok, i got what i wanted, grandma's still alive but then she's left paralyzed, unable to talk, see and eat on her own. good thing she can still hear and grasp a hand.

    but come to think of it, she is suffering. but then again, we can't ask to just let her go of course.

    so, now i think, the next time i pray, i'd say.."please give what's best for grandma, dear Lord".


    one more...

    you can't just wish for someone you long or wish for to come into your life. wish for someone who is right instead. someone who can love you unconditionally, someone who can be sensitive to your needs, someone  you can love for the rest of your life.

  3. i've never been one of those girls that guys took notice of and to be honest i never much cared. i dont seek superficial attention or want to be sought after for my appearance sake but i had a rough breakup and my esteem/ego took a hit and suddenly i STUPIDLY wanted to feel wanted....i went out more, dressed up more, wore more make-up..........but "be careful what you wish for" i had someone drug my drink at a bar and i woke up half naked hours i have ptsd and have a panic attack when i leave the house!

  4. not heard it

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