
Be creative: how many times can you RE-use water from the tap?

by  |  earlier

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drip. drip. drip.




  1. First I would say your question is what is creative! hmm

    1. Water from tap to pot to boil eggs.

    2. Take eggs out and boil potatoes

    3. Mash the potatoes and add SOME of the boiling water to the potatoes ( a lot of people do this)

    4. Add some more of the hot water with milk to flour, steak drippings and make gravy. (again, my mom always did this)

    5. Still some water left to cool and water the geranium in the window.

    UGH...couldn't I have thought of more than 5?

  2. I would think the amount would be endless with the proper water purification : )  Here's something I found :

    "Household greywater reuse

    Greywater (all non-toilet household wastewater) can be a good water resource during times of drought and water restrictions, but its reuse can carry health and environmental risks.

    Greywater dos

        * Only use wastewater from baths, showers, hand basins and washing machines (preferably the final rinse water).

        * Only use greywater on the garden and rotate which areas you water.

        * Only apply enough water that the soil can absorb.

        * Wash your hands following watering with greywater.

        * Stop using greywater during wet periods.

        * Stop using greywater if odours are generated and plants do not appear to be healthy.

    Greywater don'ts

        * Water vegetable gardens if the crop is to be eaten raw or uncooked.

        * Use greywater that has faecal (c**p) contamination, for example wastewater used to launder nappies.

        * Use kitchen wastewater (including dishwashers) due to the high concentration of food wastes and chemicals that are not readily broken down by soil organisms.

        * Store greywater for more than 24 hours.

        * Let children or pets drink or play with greywater.

        * Allow greywater to flow from your property or enter stormwater systems."

  3. Infinite.  If you look at the world as a whole you will see it's a closed system with the water constantly recylced.  There are an infinaite number of uses from the tap water.  Not all are potable solutions, but they are usable.

  4. As many times as you want if its filtered and boiled each time.

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