
Be happy all the time is good or not ?

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Be happy all the time is good or not ?




  1. Ican't see why it would be bad. They say laughter is the best medicine. I wish i could be happy all the time.  

  2. It is good to have a happy life and if that is the case than it's okay and good to be happy all the time. It is also good to look at the best side of thing even when bad things happen. It is not good to be happy when bad things are happening to other people. There are few lives where it is appropriate to be happy ALL the time. There is a time for everything. Even sadness. It's okay not to be happy all the time too.

  3. ya its  truly  fabulous. I also want to be happy all the time.  

  4. Emotions are like the weather, they come and they go.  Feel all of your feelings.  They are telling you something.  Listen.

    Being happy all of the time is impossible unless you are sublimating your emotions.  All you'd be doing is hiding your non-happy feelings from yourself.  Then, later, they leak out at the wrong time and in the wrong places.  It's very unhealthy.

  5. when you dive into the deep crevices of depression in your mind your looking for any escape that you can find. being happy is the greatest feeling in the whole universe. to stay there i take my meds ( 5 mg. zyprexa, 20 mg. paroxetine- generic paxil ) and i visit the chiropractor once a month ( definite necessity ) these are things i do to keep me happy. mr. bubbly as i call it, i can take on the whole world with a smile on my face and some pep in my step. and little things don't bother me as much as when i'm crabby. when i'm happy i can except life on lifes terms. =)

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